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The Boob Suit Project

Various performances with a selfmade "Boob Suit" made of textiles, foam and filled with two pilates balls. Initially as a part of my master project at the Academy of Art and Design in Bergen, 2015. 

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The Boob Suit Project : Bergen Kunsthall

  The Ma-show,

  Discount Parachutes


Bergen Kunsthall

Photo: Bjarte Bjørkum

Photo: Jiska Huizing

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Photo: Jiska Huizing

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The Boob Suit Project: In the Woods

Video shown during Discount Parachutes at Bergen


Kunsthall, 2015:

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The Boob Suit Project: ByBanen

Performance at the Tram in Bergen during morning rush hour. Bergen, 2015: 

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The Boob Suit Project: On a Horse

Riding in the district outside Bergen, 2015:

Photo: Jiska Huizing

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The Boob Suit Project: Trampoline


Oslo, 2016.

Skjermbilde 2015-10-15 kl. 11.26.19 kopi

The Boob Suit Project: Post performance...

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